International workshop on dispersion and deposition modeling for nuclear accident releases

-Transfer of science from academic to operational models-




■ Host

"International workshop on dispersion and deposition modeling for nuclear accident releases" local organizing committee


Mon, 2nd, Mar, 2015 - Wed, 4th, Mar, 2015


Fukushima University


March 2 Academic discussion on problems clarified from diffusion and deposition model calculation for Fukushima accident 

March 3 Operational discussion on emergency response systems 

March 4 Excursion in Fukushima Prefecture

 Workshop fee

Registrarion> 10,000yen

Student> 5,000yen

Excrusion tour and Banquet are included in the amounts written above.

 The registration fee is 2,000yen and the student fee is 1,000yen, if you do not attend the banquet and excursion tour.


AddressInstitute of Industrial Science-CW403, The university of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo,Japan
NameRyohji OHBA



Guide : Guide.pdf

General Information : General Information.pdf

AGENDA : Agenda.pdf

Group discussion : Group Discussion.pdf

CONFIRMATION LETTER : Confirmation Letter.pdf

Registration : RegistrationE.docx

Abstract : Abstract.docx


-The post-meeting of Fukushima International Workshop, on 5th March-


 Date : 5th March 2015, from 10am

 Place : The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science(room An407)



■ Objectives

The objectives of the post-meeting are as follows.

(1) to exchange a knowledge of the source term estimation method relating with nuclear accident, and to discuss about the future improvement plan of the source term estimation method.

(2) to introduce activities of research program relating with CBRN issue, and to discuss about the technical subjects of common concerns.


-US: Steve Hanna (Harvard University),J. Van Ramsdell (Ramsdell Environmental Consulting),

Luna Rodriguez (NCAR), Ron Meris (DTRA)

-UK: Susan Leadbetter (Met Office), Peter Bedwell (PHE)

-France: Patrick Armand (CEA), Anne Mathieu (IRSN)

-Denmark: Bent Lauritzen (DIT/RISO), Jan Pehrsson (PDC)

-Sweden: Pontus von Schoenberg (Swedish Research Defense Agency)

-Australia: Marcus Grzechnik (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency)

-Germany: Hartmut Walter (Federal Office for Radiation Protection)

-Japan: Shinsuke Kato, Ryohji Ohba and so on(The University of Tokyo)



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