Ryozo Ooka, Ph.D., Professor
Institute of Industrial Science
The University of Tokyo

Personal Information
- Name: Ryozo Ooka
- Birth: May 21 1965
- Sex: Male
- Nationality: Japanese
Professional Preparation
- Kyoto UniversityArchitecture/Faculty of EngineeringB.E.1989
- Kyoto UniversityArchitecture/Faculty of EngineeringM.E.1991
- The University of TokyoArchitecture/Faculty of EngineeringPh.D.1997
- Professor, IIS, the University of Tokyo08/09-present
- Associate Professor, IIS, the University of Tokyo04/01-07/09
- Associate Professor, Fukui University01/00-03/01
- Assistant Professor, Fukui University03/98-12/99
- Research Associate, IIS, the University of Tokyo07/93-02/98
Research Interests
- Prediction and Control of Urban Atmospheric Environment
- Development of High Energy Efficiency Buildings
- Optimal Design Method for Urban Energy Systems
- CFD application in and around Buildings
- Prevention of Fire Problems
Selected Publications
- Ryozo Ooka, Shintaro Ikeda
- A review on optimization techniques for active thermal energy storage control
- Energy and Buildings, Vol. 106, pp. 225-233, 2015.11
- Hideki Kikumoto, Ryozo Ooka, Yusuka Arima and Toru Yamanaka
- Study on the future weather data considering the global and local climate change for building energy
- Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol 14. pp. 404-413, 2015.4
- Hideki Kikumoto, Ryozo Ooka
- A numerical study of air pollutant dispersion with bimolecular chemical reactions in an urban street canyon using large-eddy simulation
- Atmospheric Environment 54, pp.456-464, 2012.7
- Ryozo Ooka, Yujin Nam, Yoshiro Shiba, Koji Tanifuji, Tateo Okumura, Yoshihiro Miwa
- Development of groundwater circulation heat pump system
- HVAC & R Research, 17(4), pp.556-565, 2011.8
- Ryozo Ooka, Mai Khiem, Hiroshi Yoshikado, Hiroshi Hayami, Hong Huang, Yoichi Kawamoto
- Influence of meteorological conditions on summer ozone levels in the central Kanto area of Japan
- Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 4, pp.138-150, 2011.4
- Mai Khiem, Ryozo Ooka, Hong Huang, Hiroshi Hayami
- A numerical study of summer ozone concentration over the Kanto area of Japan using the MM5/CMAQ model
- Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.23, pp. 236-246, 2011.2
- Ryozo Ooka, Taiki Sato, Kazuya Harayama, Shuzo Murakami, Yoichi Kawamoto
- Thermal Energy Balance Analysis of Tokyo Metropolitan Area Using a Mesoscale Meteorological Model Incorporating an Urban Canopy Model
- Boundary Layer Meteorology, Vol. 138, pp.77-97, 2011.1
- Mai Khiem, Ryozo Ooka, Hiroshi Yoshikado, Hiroshi Hayami, Hong Huang, Yoichi Kawamoto
- Process analysis of ozone formation under different weather conditions over the Kanto region of Japan using the MM5/CMAQ modelling system
- Atmospheric Environment 44, pp.4463-4473, 2010.11
- Genku Kayo, Ryozo Ooka
- Building energy system optimizations with utilization of waste heat from cogenerations by means of genetic algorithm
- Energy and Buildings, Vol. 42, pp.985-991, 2010.7
- Ryozo Ooka, Yuriko Minami, Tomonori Sakoi, Kazuyo Tsuzuki, H.B. Rijal
- Improvement of sweating model in 2-Node Model and its application to thermal safety for hot environments
- Building and Environment, Volume 45, Issue 7, pp 1565-1573, 2010.7
- Ryozo Ooka, Kazuhiko Komamura
- Optimal design method for building energy systems using genetic algorithms
- Building and Environment, Volume 43, Issue 8, pp 1538-1544, 2009.7
- Yujin Nam, Ryozo Ooka, Suckho Hwang
- Development of a numerical model to predict heat exchange rates for a ground-source heat pump system
- Energy and Buildings, Volume 40, Issue 12, Pages 2133-2140, 2008.12
- Taiki Sato, Shuzo Murakami, Ryozo Ooka, Shinji Yoshida
- Analysis of regional characteristics of the atmospheric heat balance in the Tokyo metropolitan area in summer
- Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 96, Issue 10-11, October-November 2008, Pages 1640-1654
- Takeshi Ono, Shuzo Murakami, Ryozo Ooka, Toshiaki Omori
- Numerical and experimental study on convective heat transfer of the human body in the outdoor environment
- Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 96, Issue 10-11, October-November 2008, Pages 1719-1732
- Ryozo Ooka, Hong Chen, Shinsuke Kato
- Study on optimum arrangement of trees for design of pleasant outdoor environment using multi-objective genetic algorithm and coupled simulation of convection, radiation and conduction
- Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 96, Issue 10-11, October-November 2008, Pages 1733-1748
- Hong Huang, Ryozo Ooka, Hong Chen, Shinsuke Kato, Takeo Takahashi and Takeaki Watanabe
- CFD analysis on traffic-induced air pollutant dispersion under non-isothermal condition in a complex urban area in winter
- Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 96, Issue 10-11, October-November 2008, Pages 1774-1788
- Ryozo Ooka
- Recent development of assessment tools for urban climate and heat-island investigation especially based on experiences in Japan
- Int. J. Climatol. 27: pp.1919–1930, 2007.10
Synergistic Activities
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Board of Directors
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Chief Editor of AIJ Journal
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Sustainable Building Committee, Chair
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Urban and Climate Change, Committee, Chair
- Board of Directors, Society of Heating, Air-conditioning, and Sanitary Engineers of Japan
- President of IAQVEC (Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation, Energy Conseravtion in Buildings) Association
- President of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Engineers) Japan Chapter
- Board of Directors, International Association of Building Physics
- Society of Heating, Air-conditioning, Sanitary Engineering of Japan, International Committee, Chair
- Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Urban Environmental Development Committee
- Association of Ground Source Heat Pump System, Committee
- Associate Editor of International Journal of Sutainable City and Society
- IEA ECES Annex 31 Task Leader
- IEA ECES Annex 37 Operative Agent
Professional Award and Recongnition
- The prize of Architectural Institute of Japan 2015
- The best paper award, The Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineering of Japan 2009, 2012
- The technology promotion award, The Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineering of Japan 2005
- The encouragement prize of Architectural Institute of Japan 2000
- The encouragement prize of Japan Association of Wind Environment 1999