Research topics
Study on renewable energy utilization systems
Optimization of energy systems
Study of Demand Response based on Model Predictive Control
HVAC Control Simulation using Spawn-of-EnergyPlus
Analysis of thermal and air environment of city and building
Evaluation of solar energy potential for urban residential buildings based on deep learning algorithms
Development of indoor airflow prediction method based on Deep Learning
Study on Cryj1 content in indoor Japanese cedar pollen under different air change rates
Estimation of initial size distribution of expiratory droplets by particle counters and evaporation model
Study on Splash-Prevention Panel : Evaluation of Droplets and Droplet Nucleus Prevention Performance of Desk Partition by CFD Analysis
Impact of urban form on heat index spatial and temporal distribution based on WRF-BEP/BEM
Understanding of the dynamic and characteristics of airflow and droplets and droplet nuclei generated by coughing (Part1) Measurements of airflow velocity distribution of respiratory activities using PIV
Understanding of the dynamic and characteristics of airflow and droplets and droplet nuclei generated by respiratory activities (Part 2) Development of cough and sneeze airflow models using numerical analysis
Understanding of the dynamic and characteristics of airflow and droplets and droplet nuclei generated by respiratory activities (Part 3) Measurement of aerosol size distribution generated by breathing, coughing, and speaking
Modeling wind and environment of city and building
Prediction of particle dispersion within a street canyon by coupled simulation of chemical reaction, particle dynamics, and CFD
Advancement and application of footprint analysis in urban atmospheric turbulent dispersion fields: Development of a footprint calculation method based on associated concentrations
Study on the estimation of urban airflow distribution using sensor networks: Optimisation of sensor placement based on QR decomposition
Study on estimation of urban airflow distribution using sensor network:Estimation of airflow distribution in urban models using machine learning
Study on Urban Microclimate Based on Local Objective: Analysis Data and Meteorological Observation
Improving Accuracy of Airflow Measurement around Buildings by Machine Learning
Promotion and control of natural ventilation using fluid diode (Part 1) Ventilation path control analysis and internal structure optimization using fluid diode plate
Promotion and control of natural ventilation using fluid diode (Part 2) Comparison study on the performance of two fluid diode plate shapes by CFD