Wenchao Wang
Birth: 25 February 1994, China
Position: Ph.D. Student, Ooka Lab.
Research topic: Energy-saving optimization of building system

- Jul.2012: Graduated from No. 1 Middle School of Laiyang City, Shandong Province, China
- Jul.2017: Graduated from Yantai University, China
- Jul.2020: Graduated from master's course of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (Hong Chen Lab.)
- Sep.2020: Entered doctral course of The University of Tokyo (Ooka Lab.)
Peer-reviewed article
- Wen Zhou,Hong Chen, Wenchao Wang
- Study on energy Conservation design and Economy of passive ultra-low Energy Consumption House
- Building Energy Efficiency 2020,48(05):7-10+18.China
- Wen Zhou,Hong Chen, Wenchao Wang
- Analysis of energy-saving effect of Passive house in hot summer and cold winter area in Germany
- Construction Wall Innovation & Building Energy-Saving2019(03):34-37. China
International Conference
- Wenchao Wang,Hong Chen, Yugang Guan, Xinhong Chen
- Simulation study on spatial Form Infiltration effect of Jiangfeng on Waterfront Block (I) -- Study on small-scale building enclosure and Street Direction Change
- International Conference on Green Building and Building Energy Efficiency 2019,Shenzhen,China
- Xinhong Chen,Hong Chen, Yugang Guan, Wenchao Wang
- Simulation study on spatial Form Infiltration effect of Jiangfeng on waterfront Block (II) -- Study on small scale building enclosure and Height Change
- International Conference on Green Building and Building Energy Efficiency 2019,Shenzhen,China
Domestic Conference
- Wenchao Wang,Hong Chen
- Optimization of Residential Building Energy Conservation in Hot Summer and cold Winter Area based on Genetic Algorithm -- A case study of Wuhan city, Hubei Province
- National Architectural Digital Technology Teaching and Research Symposium 2019,Chongqing,China
- The Outstanding Graduate of Huazhong University of Science and Technology ,China,2020
- The Outstanding Graduate of Yantai University ,China, 2017
- The Excellent Prize of the 4th "China United Cup" International Architectural Design Competition for College Students ,China, 2016
- The Third Prize of "Smart City" special Competition in the 14th Chinese College Students extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Competition,China,2015
- The Excellent Prize of "Weihai Cup" National Architectural Design Competition for College Students,China,2015